Croquis Café: Narbonne


These Croquis Café workshops are relaxed 2 hour gatherings in Narbonne to explore new techniques and subjects in an indoor setting. A great way to spend time with friends and learn new skills. No previous art experience is necessary, just a willingness to have a go!

25€ per event (see dates & details below).

In stock


Croquis Café workshops are relaxed 2 hour gatherings in Narbonne to explore new techniques and subjects in an indoor setting. A great way to spend time with friends and learn new skills. No previous art experience is necessary, just a willingness to have a go!

You will need a basic sketch kit including sketchbook (smooth paper), pencil, pen with waterproof ink and a basic watercolour set with brush. I recommend your paper is minimum 160gsm weight, and you will also need a water pot and tissues/rag. Spare sketch kits are available on loan but if you would like to borrow materials please indicate this on the booking form.

For those that wish to stay and continue the sketchbook banter there will be the opportunity to lunch together afterwards (and continue sketching if you wish!)

25€ per event 
Excludes refreshments.


Places are limited so advanced booking is essential. Please book online below or email me

Dates & Locations:

Tuesday 21 January
Winter Watercolour Florals
We’ll explore some essential brush techniques to create beautiful loose floral designs – perfect for cards and gift tags.

Tuesday 4 February
Food glorious food!
Sketch out your favourite foods or a recipe with interesting page layouts, bold colours and interesting text. Great practice for travel journaling!

Tuesday 18 February
The Eyes have it
Learn about the structure of the eyes and how emotions and age can be conveyed through drawing them in different ways – there’ll be plenty of laughs as we create pages of expressions in our sketchbooks!

Tuesday 3 March
Doorways and Windows
When sketching a building some of the most interesting features will include windows and doorways. They give character, depth, colour and an element of intrigue about what may lie behind – day or night!